The Vatican hired Mauro Biglino, a scholar of ancient languages, to translate some ancient Masorotic (not sure of spelling) Hebrew Old Testament texts... and fired him around book 19 because ... he kept finding references to Anunak and similar names who were not at all gods, even tho' they lived very long lives, but rather, from space... Biglino also discovered NO original sin (so think of all the lies over the centuries!) and no savior predictions in the old testament... so far it has only been published in Italian... but it's getting out, there are people talking about it and the Vatican is already publishing some bogus version of it... meanwhile, the English version is coming
Mauro Biglino - The Official Website - The Author
Mauro Biglino - The Research Work
Mauro Biglino - The Official Website - The Author
Mauro Biglino has found that in the original Hebrew text of the Bible, in the Book of Genesis, it is written that a group of individuals - called the Elohim – made man with a genetic engineering intervention, by mixing their own DNA with the DNA of primates already present on the Earth.
In the Bible there is even a specific word that refers to the DNA, and this Hebrew word is tselem. Mr. Biglino has found that the correct translation of the famous verses of Genesis (1:26) is:
"And the Elohim (plural) said: "Let us make man in our likeness, using that thing that contains our image".The "thing that contains our image" is the tselem, which means "something material which contains the image, and which has been cut off from".
The "Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon", dictionary of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, under the term "tselem" writes the following definition: «something cut off».
What is that "something" which contains the "image" of someone, that can be "cut off ", that can be extracted?
In our modern times, one thing immediately comes to mind: the DNA.
The word Elohim, in the modern Christian Bibles, has been translated with the word "God".
But it is a wrong translation, because the Elohim is a plural term, that indicates a group of flesh and bones individuals, powerful but not omnipotent, and certainly not spiritual nor transcendent.
What is written in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament has a stunning similarity with what is written in the Sumerian tablets, which are dating to more than 4000 years ago.
Basically the the original Masoretic text of the Old Testament and the ancient Sumerian tablets are telling the same events.
The Sumerian tablets are even more detailed.
Mr. Biglino has found that two modern scientific discoveries fully confirm the Masoretic text of the Bible:
Mauro Biglino - The Research Work