Recent content by pong

  1. pong

    Bigelow Spills The Beans

    In 2012, Robert Bigelow sat down for a conversation with Moonandback Media, based in Sacramento, CA. I think you'll enjoy this four-part interview hosted on YouTube.
  2. pong

    Bigelow Spills The Beans

    Marduk says Mr. Big didn't spill any beans. Well, for the savvy and highly curious Paracast listeners who devour and dissect the UFO world on a weekly basis, that is probably true. There's a reason, though, the London Daily Mail did a feature story on the reclusive Mr. Big---along with...
  3. pong

    Kurt Russell was the civilian pilot witness to the phoenix lights UFO

    Kurt Russell is the man. I'm looking forward to Escape From Phoenix.
  4. pong

    Bigelow Spills The Beans

    It's always gratifying when a mainstream news reporter (Lara Logan of 60 Minutes), who almost certainly knows nothing about UFOs, gets gobsmacked by information that Paracast listeners have known for years, if not decades. I just love this quote from Mr. Big: "When asked whether he thought...
  5. pong

    The Official Paracast Political Thread!

    Thanks, Gene, for maintaining the Paracast Forum for lo these many years. I know it's your labor of love. It's always fun to see what others have discovered and I'm frequently amazed by it. As far as politics goes, it's nice to have a place where we can share information and even disagree...
  6. pong

    Conspiracy Theories Just Don't Add Up

    P R I N C E Anagram Solved, And It's Creepy Prince really means Cerpin. From the Urban Dictionary: Cerpin Taxt: Protagonist of the story in the Mars Volta album, De-loused in the Comatorium. After overdosing on morphine, he enters a dream world where he is put through a series of trials by...
  7. pong

    Conspiracy Theories Just Don't Add Up

    What does P R I N C E really mean? Is it an anagram? Was it an elevator or a portal? Was Tim Beckley involved? Could they find Prince's chemtrail on the carpet if they used an ultraviolet light?
  8. pong

    Occultism the secret conspiracy

    Is this the draft of a screenplay? Dude, I'm all in. Let's crowdfund the movie and make it in Vancouver.
  9. pong

    Resisting the Martians

    Seriously, Ted Cruz has always had that amphibian-humanoid look. If someone could catch him hibernating in the winter he could be exposed for who he is. Ditto for his polliwog wife.
  10. pong

    Air Force Issues Warning February 15th, 1967

    The men in black work for Dick Cheney. The men in red work for Bernie Sanders.
  11. pong

    Meat grown in lab

    Why am I afraid that test-tube babies will be raised on lab-grown meat? This has Bill Gates fingerprints all over it.
  12. pong

    May 15, 2016: Preston Dennett

    Disclosure? It happened on March 13, 1997, in the state of Arizona. It's happened in countless other places, too, on countless other occasions. A handful of people learn the truth each time and, for them, things are never the same. Disclosure is a shadow dance that "they" practice, not a...
  13. pong

    UFOs & The Human Fortean Channel Network

    I'm always amused by the constant chorus that there is "never any physical evidence" for the paranormal events we're confronted with. David Paulides' research into the unknown realm is littered with dead bodies, for gosh sakes. They are evidence and very physical indeed. Many times the cause...
  14. pong

    Help identify this, ufo?

    It appears to be cloaked.