Recent content by chikane

  1. C

    Wendy Connors 'Faded Discs' - journeys through audio UFO history - available in public domain!!!

    Just go to the links (or the index one) provided by uforadio and browse down the page in each set of recordings. For each set you have a sub-index that describes briefly each recorded document so you can listen/download only the ones that interest you, pretty handy...
  2. C

    Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite

    The attack against Charlie Hebdo was likely because the journal had made some humoristic drawings of the prophet Mohammed which were seen as an insult by muslim extremists (It should be said that the journal had always been quite critical of any religion, not only Islam, but also christianism...
  3. C

    Wendy Connors 'Faded Discs' - journeys through audio UFO history - available in public domain!!!

    Dude that rocks!!! much thanks for the work and sharing! :)
  4. C

    The UFODATA Project — Ask Mark Rodeghier and Leslie Kean

    Too bad I'm again short of a few days on the deadline. :mad: I feel this is really this kind of project that might give a chance to move ufology beyond the neverending debate over witness testimonies. Glad to hear more about it on the next paracast show!! :)
  5. C

    Ask Don Ecker!

    Hi Gene, too bad I didn't catch with the date earlier, my fault. :oops: But definitely looking forward to hearing this show!
  6. C

    Ask Don Ecker!

    Great to have Don back on the show! :) Here's my question to Don : Don, since you've been involved in the field for more than 20 years, how did you see the field evolve from the early days and what do you think we should do now to be more efficient towards the understanding of ufos? and maybe...
  7. C

    Dark Matters Radio Returns

    Nice show Don. :) I can certainly imagine your disappointment and tiredness about the world of ufology after 20 years dealing with frauds, liars and debunkers, and your desire to quit the field when you've been genuinely interested in ufos but had to continously deal with its toxic world. I feel...
  8. C

    Dark Matters Radio Returns

    Very glad to learn DMR is airing again some "blast from the past". ;) I can't call because I'm far out from the USA but I'll definitely download and listen to the show!
  9. C

    Aliens on the Moon? (oh my!)

    If so, one should definitely use it to verify the photos which seem to show artificial structures, providing it's possible to identify their precise location...If not possible, I'd personnally suspend my judgment. ;)
  10. C

    Aliens on the Moon? (oh my!)

    I personnally have a less sharp point of view about these moon anomalies. On one hand, yes it may not make obvious sense but on another hand we don't know anything about the way any hypothetic aliens might be travelling and their logic, and if looking for a place close to the earth without any...
  11. C

    Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

    Back to about Kent Jeffrey who at a time was quite active on this case? I know he left the field after changing his mind on this case, but for those interested in this case (yes there are Chris ;)), it might be interesting to hear what he has to say about it, if he'd be willing to...
  12. C

    Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

    let's hope he's still interested to come on again.. ;)
  13. C

    Aliens on the Moon? (oh my!)

    Hi Don, yup I saw that you weren't pleased to see that stuff included too but couldn't do anything with it... My grief against it it that it makes the show sounds that it's some woo woo stuff, especially for those open minded skpetics (in which I tend too see myself), who might be interested in...
  14. C

    Guest Suggestions for The Paracast

    Hi there, wasn't Ted Philipps thought to come to the show again? It's quite some time he hasn't been on! Last time he was on, he was still engaged in the Morley woods investigations if I don't mistake...It'd be interesting to learn about the new developpements there might be...
  15. C

    Aliens on the Moon? (oh my!)

    I just watched the entire show. I have been waiting for this kind of moonstuff for quite a while and found that it was overall a good show. So thanks a lot Don for putting your time and energy to get this one done! I guess we are all embedded to your commitment on this subject and production...