April 26, 2009 — Daz Smith

Paracast listener Daz Smith, who claims to be a trained remote viewer, discusses his background and ongoing experiences as a psychic. And, will he agree to our requests for a personal demonstration of his abilities?

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April 19, 2009 — Paul Kimball and Holly Stevens

This week we present Paul Kimball and Holly Stevens, paranormal TV hosts and investigators, who are also known as Mully and Sculder. During this session, they’ll recount their ongoing ghost hunting investigations and strange encounters.

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April 12, 2009 — Ed and Kris Sherwood

This week we present investigators and experiencers Ed and Kris Sherwood, who will bring you up to date on the mysterious crop circles. Are they pranks, messages from a universal consciousness, or manifestations of ET? Or all of the above?

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April 5, 2009 — Dr. Richard F. Haines

Dr. Richard F. Haines, Chief Scientist for the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP), speaks at length about airline sightings, airline safety, and his extensive research into these strange aerial mysteries.

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