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The Wonder Child and The Third Eye

Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
The Third Eye

THALAMI: - We were all enthralled by the Ben Franklin and the kite story, which is probably something many people or cells of adepts knew long ago; just as the research into the Thalami has been known as 'the Third Eye' attributes for many millennia. The book 'Wonder Child' recounts some of the modern research in the passage that follows - it is an excellent book for anyone wanting to enable a child to achieve the human potential or to guard against the abject apathy that rules in schools.

Franklin "was thinking as little of the lightning conductor as Hertz when he investigated electrical waves, was thinking of radio transmission. Anyone who has experienced in his own person how easily the inquisitiveness of a child at play can grow into the life work of a naturalist will never doubt the fundamental similarity of games and study. The inquisitive child disappears entirely from the wholly animal nature of the mature chimpanzee. But the child is far from buried in the man, as Nietzsche thinks. 'On the contrary, it rules him absolutely.'

So, the child is born too soon with greatly more response mechanisms available and far greater sensitivity than an animal. The child needs caring for, for much longer than an animal but the child also contains innate releasing mechanisms - the environmental patterns - and the open, experiential patterns. A child needs to fit into her environment and takes up the patterns of that harmonious tendency, becoming disoriented if suddenly placed in a wild jungle in the middle of the Amazon or more relevant perhaps to our way of life in the West, even the next village from the familiar habitat. In fact, a human child becomes displaced and disturbed if simply deprived of her mother. No doubt most of us are familiar with the panic on a child's face when she suddenly discovers in a crowded supermarket that mom has disappeared.

The environmental patterns, though, can also be adapted so that a child does not spend the rest of her life terrified of moving from one place to another. And the experiential response mechanisms also have a chance, either to be fixed by the lack of awareness or variability, or flexible, should the parents provide ample and intelligent wisdom to give the child the necessary room in early life.

What we have then, in our tiny newborn child, according to modern scientific understanding, is a blank slate with certain very ancient and primitive mechanisms that are simply lying there ready to take up the imprint of the world. This, we will see later, however, may be an over-simplification of the true potential of a child, for, from a more un-reasonable and as yet non-scientific viewpoint, the child is far from being a blank slate.


In very recent research into the functioning of the immune system, scientists have found great variety in the systems controlled by endocrine glands - parts of the body which were hitherto largely a mystery. The other name for these glands is the ductless or thalami glands and they include the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the pituitary and the pineal glands, each nestling deep in the between brain region of the forebrain, between the brainstem and the cerebral hemispheres. The word thalami means deep chambers. (Greek)

The task of these glands appears to be to convey and expand information flowing into the brain, before it reaches the cerebral cortex - supposedly the memory and higher thinking center. All sensory signals, whatever their nature, pass through these glands - rather like a central telephone exchange for the brain. The pituitary gland orchestrates the delivery of hormones (the name hormone is derived from the Greek word meaning to set in motion) throughout the body affecting such functions as sexual maturity, food conversion and general growth. Under the control of these glands then is both the reception system for information flowing into the body, and the most powerful courier system for messages communicating with the rest of the body - two extremely important tasks, both apparently performed by the one set of biological organs {Vital to pranha or 'chhi' and spiritual reality.}.

BUT THE MOST ENIGMATIC OF THE DUCTLESS GLANDS, FOR THE MEDICAL SCIENTIST, IS THE CONE-SHAPED {The Egyptian cult of the Great White Brotherhood of Master Craftsmen, wore cone-shaped hats to augment and symbolize the pineal gland, they were associated with the Essenes and Therapeutae.} PINEAL, ONCE CONSIDERED TO BE THE VESTIGAL THIRD EYE PERHAPS BECAUSE OF ITS SUSCEPTABILITY TO LIGHT.

{Melatonin is produced better in the dark and workers of the psychic arts know melatonin improves the psychic or psi effects.}

Both Eastern philosophy and Western science have taken these mysterious glands very seriously and their dual tasks of receiving information and controlling the hormones is of particular interest to our study of the wonder child.

One of the most interesting explanations for these tiny glands is that they are the radio station receiver system for the human body and that a great many of the received 'radio waves' do not originate in places that we can necessarily immediately be conscious of. From outer space, for example, from other people too far away to be visible or audible, from the past and the future, from the dead, from animals, plants, birds, insects - in fact from everything around us, then and now.


Much research is presently in process by scientists, such as, for example, Gazzaniga and Eddelman, into this particular area of discussion and this concept of a 'cosmic thought field' resonance device in the ductless glands {The pineal gland has small grains or crystals that 'buzz' like a crystal radio set. When humans get 'high' they sense this hum or 'buzz'.}, can only be presented as an hypothesis, but it is one nevertheless worthy of discussion.

If we consider that the innate releasing mechanisms which each child contains in the earliest years are open to anything that comes in, and that we, the adults, effectively close certain of them in order to protect the child from danger, it may become clear what could be happening inside the system. The glands, receivers of stimuli, have learned to accept certain input from this thought field and to refuse other input so that a great deal of the stimulation available from the cosmos is simply cut off at the source." (5)

Our next entry the Third Eye will delve into some other aspects of this brain of the soul. This book is sub-titled appropriately when you consider the common sense nature of this important ESP ability and what was likely a very appreciated part of human life before our jaundiced sophistication and manipulations of recent times. 'Rediscovering the Magical World of Innocence and Joy Within Ourselves and Our Children' is something we should place as a very high priority. They continue as follows:

"It is not suggested here that children are in a permanent state of enlightenment in the same way as those such as J. Krishnamurti or Buddha discovered, for this is a particular state far beyond all other states. But it is suggested that the state of innocence in childhood samples a comparable connection with reality, which if retained through into adulthood, can bring astonishing beauty and joy. Many children feel this light filled and natural form of existence everyday-and not only think nothing of it (!) but would not begin to consider writing reams of descriptive matter on it. The greatest tragedy of this profound situation is that adults are unable to understand the innocence of childhood in its full form 'at all' - simply because the natural state does not exist to be understood - it is not a matter of the intellect... if permitted to flourish through adult appreciation of it, can bring both the child and parent closer together. But because the adult has forgotten it, consciously he/she does not wish to complement it, very often out of simple misunderstanding...We pass on our fears to our children - step by step, as we move through their lives beside them - and in so doing we manage also to wipe clean their joy, their freedom and their innocence." (6)

Facing fears early in life is essential to maintaining a growth-oriented full life beyond the ego and its insecurities. Most people aren't able to remember the simple fears as a child that formed their character. There are many political and religious organizations who have actually fed upon these urges and fears for millennia, as we have shown. Our means of dealing with the fears as adults is often denial or outright avoidance. It causes us to need black and white answers and makes us convinced the 'experts' who provide those answers are worth listening to. The result would not encourage a man like Nostradamus who grew up near Rennes le Chateau to think his Jewish kabalistic or Cathar roots would be understood enough to share his knowledge. Fortunately for us he became a Jesuit and had the backing of powerful people who he had helped (like the de Medicis) and thus he gave us a glimpse of the knowledge that exists in the future. These glimpses and quatrains are not easily deciphered and include the possibility of change if we learn to exercise free will.

THIRD EYE: - The science of parapsychology has actual physical equipment to enable replication of results due to Col. Bearden's work, as we have covered. Not long ago this was not true and we are going to show the struggle good science was having in the battle with the control and manipulation of the ruling paradigm. This next quote comes from the 1994 J. B. Rhine Lecture, delivered at the 37th Annual Convention of the American Parapsychological Association in Amsterdam, on August 8th of that year. It was delivered by Ervin Lazslo of The General Evolution Research Group in Montescudaio (Pisa), Italy. They start the presentation with a small piece of wisdom from Albert Einstein - "We are seeking for the simplest possible scheme of thought that will bind together the observed facts." (7)

When talking about what the third eye and psychic ability avails each of us, I often find the logic of the person listening to me gets in the way. They think all the experts who taught them or present the news on TV can't be wrong. Even when I do something that amazes them they still get caught in the quagmire of their fears and doubts that they could do the same. They are hearing the words of their leaders talk in fancy words which have little actual meaning to them but sound so impressive. That is why we present some of the same for your consideration at this juncture.

“If the quantum vacuum is to be identified with the field that carries the effects associated with psi, its virtual energies must interact with matter in the universe, including the matter lodged in the brain of human beings. The indicated interaction calls for two kinds of propagations in the vacuum. One kind constitutes the known charged particles that make up the matter-component of the universe. The other kind, however, calls for an innovation in theory: for postulating that also scalar waves propagate within the super-dense virtual-energy field of the vacuum. Scalars, in ordinary vector analysis represent a quantity that is completely defined by magnitude alone, without reference to displacement. Waves of this purely 'informational' (rather than 'force') kind have been discovered by Nikola Tesla at the turn of the century. They are longitudinal waves, like sound waves, {Does this connect with the 'one-dimensional harmonic force of String Theory?} contrasting with electromagnetic waves, which are transverse. Scalars may exist at the level of the quantum vacuum,

"And where they would be generated by the motion of charge particles {Recall the electron scavengers of Dr Robins.}. In this view the motion of electromagnetically charged particles in the vacuum approximates the action of a monopole antenna: it alternately charges and discharges local regions of the vacuum's virtual-particle gas. Quantal motion thus triggers scalar waves in the vacuum, and these propagate by alternately compressing and rarefying its virtual-particle gas. The scalar waves generated in the vacuum modify the self-regenerating {Recall the 'peptides' from Bill Joy's article and the nanotubes.} cosmological feedback cycle outlined by Harold Puthoff. (Puthoff 1989) In Puthoff's feedback cycle interaction between the zero-point field (ZPF) {There might be a connection with the Mayan Center Point Theory of building temples on earth and cosmic energy grids.} and charged particles results in an exchange such that there is no average transfer of energy in any direction at any frequency. However, given the propagation of scalars in the vacuum, the energy field with which charged particles achieve local dynamic equilibrium becomes inhomogeneous and anisotropic - the fluctuations generated in the vacuum by the motion of the particles translate into the local equilibria generated between the particles and the ZPF. In this process the interference patterns created by the motion of charged particles modify the local topology of the vacuum, and the modified vacuum field modifies in turn the motion of the particles. (Lazslo 1993, 1994)

The translation process instantiated in the interaction between particles and the scalar spectrum of the vacuum amounts to a two-way Fourier transformation between objects in space and time, and their waveform equivalents. Fourier showed that any three-dimensional pattern can be analyzed into a set of regular, periodic oscillations that differ only in frequency, amplitude, and phase. Specific waveforms can be exact representations - 'Fourier transforms' - of spatiotemporal objects. For example, when a vessel creates waves on the surface of the sea, it creates Fourier-transforms of its impact on the waters of the sea. This is precisely what may happen when charged particles trace their trajectories in space and time: they leave their Fourier-transforms in the virtual particle gas of the quantum vacuum. ...

{Does cosmic energy lessen by gravity or do all heavenly energies continue throughout time to impact people like the observer on the sea shore swimming in the waves of the marvelous interconnection that astrology portends to understand?}

Inasmuch as the quantum vacuum interconnects the motion of the events that occur in space and time, it functions as a holographic field that encodes the particulars of their motion and transmits them to 'in- form' the motion of other events. There is no immediate indication, however, that this interconnection would be of the anomalous variety that is characteristic of psi.(Psi, as researchers well know, implies signals that are space - and time - transcending, that is, instantaneous for spatially distant objects and indifferent as the time when the signalled events took place.) {What kind of design or consciousness allows for the maintenance of such energy throughout time? Is the constant universal energy that existed when dimensions intersected and caused the 'Big Bang' involved? What kind of cold brain or energy was matter before the events which so continuously impact us? These thoughts are being studied now just as they were 13,000 years ago and more, by chaos science and observers of the heavens and our interaction [like a fine instrument] with these forces.} Yet a deeper analysis shows that the signals transmitted through the vacuum field are precisely of the psi variety. The reasons for this are first, because information in that field is holographic (that is, distributed and thus simultaneously available at distinct locations), and second, because the propagation of the holographic interference patterns is quasi-instantaneous.

{When Bearden gets 500 watts from a vacuum now, does he get it by influencing the info packets to convert nearby or inter-dimensional energy and/or matter in some way, or does the info packet 'non-force' become force through translation of consciousness?}

The latter statement is contrary to the tenets of mainstream physics; it needs further substantiation. Consider, then, that electromagnetic waves propagate in the vacuum with a maximum velocity currently estimated at 299,748+/- 15 km/sec. Relativity theory does not specify a physical reason for this finite magnitude: c functions as a basic axiom. However, if Silvertooth is right and c varies with the motion of the observer relative to the light source, the value of c can be ascribed to the finite electromagnetic permeability of the medium in which photons propagate. In that event c states a physical factor in the universe: its magnitude is inversely proportional to the square-root of the product of the vacuum's electric and magnetic permeability: c=I/0 uO.

So much for the propagation of photons, which are electromagnetic wave-packets travelling in spacetime. What about scalars then? Scalars are neither 'light' nor 'matter' - they are longitudinally propagating fluctuations below the energy-threshold of particle pair-creation (which is estimated at 6 X 10-27 erg/sec). Calculations by Thomas Bearden indicate that the propagation of scalar waves is a function of the vacuum's local electrostatic scalar potential. (Bearden, 1983) Because of the increase in vacuum flux density through the accumulation of charged masses, this potential is variable. It is higher in regions of dense mass, in or near stars and planets, and lower in deep space. Hence scalars propagate at speeds independent of the value of c. In the matter-dense region near the surface of the Earth they may reach velocities indistinguishably close to infinity.

We now have the basic properties of an interactive holographic field that encodes the particulars of the spatiotemporal motion of objects, and quasi-instantaneously transmits the corresponding wave-function to other objects in the planetary environment. This, as psi researchers will readily appreciate, could provide a physical foundation for a certain range of psi phenomena - telepathic and telesomatic transference, lifetime recall in NDEs, past-life experiences, distance diagnosis and psychic healing, among others. The exploration of these phenomena as possible vacuum effects is a task I have undertaken elsewhere. (Lazslo 1993, 1994) I shall not enter on it here, but limit myself to indicating the physiological mechanisms that would underlie the brain's interaction with scalar waves of vacuum origin.
4. In the brain a staggering number of dendrites fire ions, each of which constitutes a minute electric field vector. Thus the cerebral hemispheres may act as specialized scalar interferometers, so that action potentials within the neural nets may be significantly affected by the scalar topography of the vacuum. This could alter the initial condition of the nets, and the alterations may be amplified by the chaotic attractors that govern cerebral processes {It would do good for science to study the atrophying effects of charge buildup when psychic ability is denied by the society at large as reflected in the mental health of individuals who stubbornly or otherwise react to the denial of our soul.}. Chaos in the brain is a recent but well established fact: the cognitive centers of the brain are permanently in a state characterized by chaos. Vast collections of neurons shift abruptly and simultaneously from one complex activity pattern to another in response to extremely fine variations. Within the ten billion neurons of the brain, each with an average of twenty thousand interconnections, the action potential {And vectors of intersecting force.} of the smallest neuronal cluster creates a 'butterfly effect' that triggers massive gravitation 'towards one or another of the chaotic attractors. These attractors could amplify vacuum-level fluctuations and produce observable effects on the brain's information-processing structures.

Further evidence may be marshalled in support of the hypothesis of vacuum/brain interaction. Holographic functions in the brain require coherent nonlinear interaction between neuronal networks and/or pre- and post-synaptic neurons. In biological systems coherent interactions have been noted within molecules, between molecules, as well as among dipole clusters in distinct cellular and anatomical structures. In the past such phenomena have been explained in terms of long-range electromagnetic correlations between physically separated oscillating electric dipoles. Recently, however, an alternative explanation has surfaced. The new concept makes reference to the Josephson effect, a spontaneous correlation obtaining between physically separated superconductors. Josephson effects have also been found in living streams, where they function as a factor of intercellular coherence. (Del Giudice et al. 1989)

According to quantum field theory, Josephson junctions generate fields of quantum potentials (consisting of a magnetic vector potential and an electrostatic scalar potential), which in turn modulate the connection between the correlated superconductors or cellular systems. Such fields may mediate communication between physically separate assemblies of neurons in the brain. Spectral patterns of specific frequency associated with nerve firings would impart information to the field, and the field in turn would impose coherence on the ongoing nerve firings. (Psaltis et al.1990) Current findings indicate that fields of quantum potentials constitute an underlying regulatory system that alters non-synaptic communication between assemblies of neurons and could thus affect even higher brain functions. (Rein 1993)


Psi is a bona fide datum of scientific research, but so far it has remained mainly a datum. Scientific understanding of the phenomenon requires connecting the datum uncovered in psi research with the observations that furnish the empirical component of theories in the natural sciences. In light of the considerations advanced here, the conceptual framework required to connect psi with theories in the contemporary natural sciences calls in turn for a field capable of transmitting information beyond the scientifically recognized limits of space and time {The sciences are wrong again. Thanks to NEC labs for the 300 X light speed, refer to our section of Relativity for VSL.}. If the concept of such a field is not to remain an ad hoc postulate, we need to identify it with fields, or field-like continua, already known to science. The most likely choice in this regard is the quantum vacuum, a highly anomalous universal energy realm that is both the originating source and the ultimate destination of matter in the universe {Well stated expression of what the mystics have known for millennia, if not millions of years.}. Research on this field discloses significant evidence that it transmits a variety of effects that affect the behavior of matter. Complex matter-energy systems in the ultrasensitive states of chaos could amplify vacuum-level fluctuations into significant inputs to behavior. The human brain, of which the cognitive centers are in a constant and pronounced state of chaos, could receive and amplify such signals, and when not repressed by left-hemispheric censors {Logical 'denial'.}, the signals could penetrate to consciousness. The conscious or unconscious signals would yield the phenomena investigated in psi research.

The above concepts are offered not as a definitive solution to the problem of finding a scientifically acceptable explanation for psi, but as a working hypothesis to be tested and elaborated in collaborative research between psi researchers, and workers in physics, biology, neurophysiology, and related scientific disciplines. {Or talk to a Yogi, and other actual students who are able to do what can be known.}" (8)

As to the nature of Illuminati stealing or misappropriating symbols - garbage! The en-lightened ones created them long ago. They are still part of our society and they try to manage the world to become what it can be - better. Yes, they are often faced with difficult decisions because people will not study and bureaucrats or priesthoods are corrupt and worse.

"It is also very interesting to note that the drawing of the Eye of Horus very much matches the cross section of the mid brain where the thalamus, the pineal and pituitary glands are situated. The pineal gland is often said to be the “third eye” and a centre of spirituality and of spiritual insight, which can be developed in a person.

It’s as if the Eye of Horus could be a depiction of the thalamus as the eye ball with the corpus callosum the eye brow above and the medulla oblongata (brain stem) and the hypothalamus being the two markings below. If this is what they were drawing but calling it the Eye of Horus, does it suggest they considered the mid brain to be the seat of consciousness or even of divine consciousness or “Horus consciousness”? Horus being a sun god and symbolic of the universal Christ, a spiritual force which a suitably prepared person can merge with."


The extreme cases of denial and brainwashing from science are not done by scientists. Usually it is people who failed in advancing their scientific career who will be found beating a drum of reductivist thinking which reduces life to only that which THEY can easily understand. They seek to empower themselves and assure themselves that no one knows what intuition or consciousness is better than they do. They do not observe and conclude, rather they use direct inference and conclude nothing which they and their forbears have said can be challenged.

Here we have another outgrowth of the Wiki craze, called rationalwiki, giving us room to laugh or think. Remember we have machines sending thoughts across continents now, actual proof of words being sent from mind to mind. Of course we have always had fakirs and liars in both camps (see threads 'Darwinism Evolving', on Jung, Third Eye, shamans, Re-Discovering the Mind etc.).

"Scientific testing has shown time and time again that psychics under controlled conditions never perform better than wild guessing.[3] Intuition is inherently fallible, often what seems intuitively correct is simply wrong. Intuitions and first-impressions do not perform better than empirical research and proper scientific analysis unless you can prove otherwise. Cats have been shown to exhibit freakishly high levels of intuition; however, their communication is limited to meowing and urinating, so non-cat scientists remain baffled.

[edit] Confirmation bias

See the main article on this topic: Confirmation bias

When you want to believe that something is true, you will go out of your way to find confirmatory evidence in favor of that particular belief while blocking out other lines of evidence or competing contradictory explanations. When you make a guess and that guess turns out later to be true, someone who believed in intuition would blurt out "My intuition told me so!" while blocking out the other, more simplistic, possible explanation: that they had simply guessed correctly."

Intuition - RationalWiki

And you may think I am beserk to claim a connection exists with the soul or spirit, also known as the mind. But that is what I have said ever since I noticed the lymph system is connected with psychic points in my 20s. I could say I told you so. No I will say I told you so. It will be good to see the brain-mapping done at Harvard which shows yogis and mystics in states of esoteric bliss and healing, integrated with consciousness and this study.

"In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist.

That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s disease to multiple sclerosis.

“Instead of asking, ‘How do we study the immune response of the brain?,’ ‘Why do multiple sclerosis patients have the immune attacks?,’ now we can approach this mechanistically – because the brain is like every other tissue connected to the peripheral immune system through meningeal lymphatic vessels,” said Jonathan Kipnis, a professor in U.Va.’s Department of Neuroscience and director of U.Va.’s Center for Brain Immunology and Glia. “It changes entirely the way we perceive the neuro-immune interaction. We always perceived it before as something esoteric that can’t be studied. But now we can ask mechanistic questions."

He added, “We believe that for every neurological disease that has an immune component to it, these vessels may play a major role. [It’s] hard to imagine that these vessels would not be involved in a [neurological] disease with an immune component.”

Kevin Lee, who chairs the Department of Neuroscience, described his reaction to the discovery by Kipnis’ lab: “The first time these guys showed me the basic result, I just said one sentence: ‘They’ll have to change the textbooks.’ There has never been a lymphatic system for the central nervous system, and it was very clear from that first singular observation – and they’ve done many studies since then to bolster the finding – that it will fundamentally change the way people look at the central nervous system’s relationship with the immune system.”"


The next link addresses research on cancer cells spreading through the lymph system. Suppressing this system which is vital to our health has many consequences.

“All things truly wicked start from innocence.”
― Ernest Hemingway

“More generally, as I shall repeat in Chapter 8, one of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.”
― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”
― Benjamin Franklin

In this Scientific American article we learn that Michelangelo destroyed his anatomical drawings and hid them in his drawings on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It was dangerous work to do any art which might conflict with the lies promoted by the church.

"At the age of 17 he began dissecting corpses from the church graveyard. Between the years 1508 and 1512 he painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Michelangelo Buonarroti—known by his first name the world over as the singular artistic genius, sculptor and architect—was also an anatomist, a secret he concealed by destroying almost all of his anatomical sketches and notes. Now, 500 years after he drew them, his hidden anatomical illustrations have been found—painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, cleverly concealed from the eyes of Pope Julius II and countless religious worshipers, historians, and art lovers for centuries—inside the body of God.

This is the conclusion of Ian Suk and Rafael Tamargo, in their paper in the May 2010 issue of the scientific journal Neurosurgery. Suk and Tamargo are experts in neuroanatomy at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. In 1990, physician Frank Meshberger published a paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association deciphering Michelangelo’s imagery with the stunning recognition that the depiction in God Creating Adam in the central panel on the ceiling was a perfect anatomical illustration of the human brain in cross section. Meshberger speculates that Michelangelo surrounded God with a shroud representing the human brain to suggest that God was endowing Adam not only with life, but also with supreme human intelligence. Now in another panel The Separation of Light from Darkness (shown at left), Suk and Tamargo have found more. Leading up the center of God’s chest and forming his throat, the researchers have found a precise depiction of the human spinal cord and brain stem.

Is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel a 500 year-old puzzle that is only now beginning to be solved? What was Michelangelo saying by construction the voice box of God out of the brain stem of man? Is it a sacrilege or homage?"


The light from the sun - heliopolitanism and Luciferianism - grows into paintings and myths galore. The beams of light and en-light-enment or Illuminized halos are all over the place.

Egypt was colonized by the Phoenicians or ancient ones termed Keltoi or Ogygia. I have created numerous threads tying the DNN into this fact.

The Druidic sun-worship referred to in Paine's posthumous publication which he dared not expose while alive is part of the mix. He says that is the origin of Masonry. Homer correctly said the DN or DNN colonized Greece and they definitely gave alphabets to all their colonies in the Mediterranean.

Before Druids we have other heliopolitan origins for certain and now that we have evidence of Denisovan interbred Neanderthal near the Europod/Asian Ainu I am inclined to think a lot more truth will soon become apparent. D'Ainu minus vowels is DN and DNN is one step of difference from the origins geographically speaking (code). Heliopolis is Byblos in Lebanon but also BBL or Babel where the BBL (Bible) says the tower provides the origins of languages. That is a simple summary. This shows the Horus and Jesus myth connections.

All About Horus: An Egyptian Copy of Christ? Response to Zeitgeist movie