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Paranormal Novice
This is an experience that involved my mother and I at the same time. During the time of this event and prior to it, I kept a journal of strange things that had happened in my life in order for me to be able to go back at a later time and review them if I ever needed to.
The following recollection is partly from my journal from during the time of the event, and partly from my mom's and my recollections years later. Strangely, we both recollect exactly what happened without our brains filling in the blanks (which I'm aware can happen with time). I will also attach a drawing of the event since some things are quite strange.

This took place on October 15th 2006 in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden. It was a Saturday and I was home alone with my mom watching a movie on TV in the living room. It was a quite dull movie about a kidnapped girl, nothing exciting. Both my mom and I recall that we were almost half into the movie.

My mom was laying in the couch, if she turned her head to the left she would be able to see into the hallway (as depicted in the drawing). I was sitting in an armchair further back into the living room from what she was positioned. I could only see the opening leading into the hallway, and like a foot of the wall in the hallway, nothing more (also depicted in said drawing).

All of a sudden a white, almost bluish, incredibly bright light penetrated the ceiling in the farthest part of the hallway, very close to the front door. It looked like an arrow of pure white light came down from the ceiling. It felt like it came down really slowly but in a fraction of a second at the same time. As it came in contact with the floor, the whole hallway shone up in an equally bright light, like a bomb exploding. Then it just disappeared, it wasn't there any more, and my surroundings felt so much darker than they had been before.

I heard my mom make a sound so I looked over at her for the first time during this event. I could see she looked petrified, staring at the hallways, white knuckles holding on to the couch and everything. I was just about to tell her about what I'd seen but I felt that this might be something and I didn't want to influence her so I asked her what was wrong instead of going about telling her what I'd seen.

She said that had I not said anything at that point, she would've started crying and went on telling me a similar story to the one I had seen. Hers was a bit different though. She said that she had seen the "light thing" originated in a flash of light from the ceiling out in the far end of the hallway, but that it looked more like a circular saw blade coming down vertically so that she could see the face of it. She described the light the same way I did but she said that the "grooves" of the sawblade (I don't know the word for it in English) were going clockwise but that it wasn't spinning. She said that it felt like it went on for hours but that she logically knew it could only have taken a second or so. She also said that when the "sawblade" came down close to the floor, that it was wider than the hall and shouldn't have been able to fit inside but still did, and that it wasn't until after the event was over that she felt scared.

When we discussed this, both then and now, we both agree on that there was no sound at all during this event, not even from the TV that was on, everything was completely silent, there were no smells, and the two strangest things were that during the time it happened we both felt sort of calm and soothed. I remember seeing it and as I saw it, the only thing I could think was something in the ballpark of: "imagine that.." or "hhm.. that's weird". I also remember thinking the light was so beautiful and that I wasn't afraid at all, the thought that I maybe should be afraid just wasn't there. It's like both my mom's and my defenses were completely gone although they should've activated since this was the strangest thing that's ever happened to us. My mom got scared after it was already over, and that's sort of when our emotions returned to us so to speak.

The other strange thing is that the hallway turns into a slight L shape at the end of the hall to the right, so even though my mom had perfect view of the hallway up until the front door she shouldn't have been able to have seen the rightmost part of the hallway, yet she did, as the light came down.

I was sitting so that I couldn't see the hallway at all, apart from a very minute section of it, yet when this happened I could see the light and the end of the hallway clearly, through the wall, as if the walls weren't there, I didn't even find that strange until after it disappeared.

After this, we couldn't exactly tell how long the light had been there since it felt long and short at the same time, my mom says and I quote "it could've been a second or 10 minutes". I remember that the movie had already ended but I can't remember but what happened in the movie and both my mom and I were too wound up to even watch any more TV that day, we just talked about what had just happened.

Nothing like this has every happened to us before or since. My mom is a skeptic, she doesn't believe anything but she has had some weird experiences in her life that she can't explain and so have I. To this day, we both agree on the fact that we saw this but we don't know what it was or for what purpose. We were completely awake and not under the influence of anything by the way.

If anyone has had an experience like this or know what this is, then please share it with me, both my mom and I would like to know what this might be.

Please take a look at the (admittedly crude) drawing of the setting and tell me what you think.

I was going to ask about a time reference after the incident. It almost sounds like you were both put in a state then 'released' from it when your fear emotion returned. Or maybe it just happened so quickly that you didn't have time to react until it started to hit you that you had seen something unusual.

Just for clarification, are you saying you saw the core of the object (the physical saw blade light figure or whatever it was) through solid wall or did you mean you saw its light reflected out of the hallway (that's what I initially thought until I saw your diagram, thanks for the illustration by the way!)?

The way it sounds like it clipped through reality almost makes me think some kind of alternate dimension peeking through briefly. Have you seen anything even remotely like this before or since? You said your mom is skeptical, does she have some kind of reasoning that she feels adequately explains that incident? I know the mass hallucination theory has been used before but I have a hard time buying it. I feel that if there are multiple witnesses then chances are something was seen. And the physical shape, intensity and coloration doesn't make me think it was an outside light reflecting in, but just to double check - you didn't have any reflective surfaces at the end of or along the hall or in nearby rooms where the door may have been open? Like a mirror or picture hanging up or some kind of metal/glass decor?