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Falling Antiques

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Paranormal Novice
To start off, my friend Amanda and I always have weird things happening around us whether we are together or not; more so when together. We do try to find logical reasons for what happened every time, but we don't always succeed with doing so. The latest was yesterday afternoon , and i'm sharing this to get other opinions on what happened in hopes that some one can find something we didn't.

yesterday afternoon,
Amanda and i decided that after her dance rehearsal we would stop by an old antique store, since we were in that town. I personally had'd never been in there and she had only been there once before. She did warn me that last time, she had gone upstairs just to look around, when she realized that no one else was up there with her, a radio turned on by itself just the next room over. (she did take a look but found no one, afterwards)
Thinking nothing of it, I went with her this time thinking if anything it was a fluke. We walked around the downstairs; I felt like someone was watching me, but there was a lot of people around so i brushed it off. when we finally got to the stairs, which was a grand staircase (Think it was about 25 steps, maybe more) with walls on both sides of it. when we got to the landing we decided to go left, thinking we'll save the right side for later. Well, the left was pretty empty and looked like it was used as older storage. it had 4 rooms, kinda reminding me of a hotel or brothel, the way it was setup. The feeling of being watched started getting stronger, the longer we stayed up there, i started to get a little nervous and told her so. Amanda brushed it off as me being paranoid because of her story, and all the people around. At that point I pointed out we were the only ones upstairs at moment.

We kept going till we fished the entire left side, and started walking to next section. we crossed the stair landing, and walked up the next 5 steps to the section on the right side of the building. We stopped for a moment at the top of the steps, and I asked if last time she felt like she had been watched at all. As she took a step away from me to look at something, I suddenly felt like she should NOT leave my side. On instinct I took a step to fallow her around the half-wall, when a giant logging saw fell between us; blade facing us. She turned as she felt the air rush past her and gasped. I stopped dead in my tracks. The handle of the logging saw shattered the glass shelf that was across the hall from it, and over half the stuff that had been on the shelf. I took one look at Amanda, then the glass on the floor, and felt like something else was going to happen to. I ran down the stairs to my right and yelled out that something had fallen, and glass was broken. the manager of the store came running up the steps, took one look at Amanda; who had not moved at all, and apologized for the saw having startled us, and asked if we were okay.
I had gotten a few minor scratches from the glass flying everywhere, mostly on my legs but on my arms too. Amanda was untouched.

At 1st we thought maybe it was the flooring that had knocked the saw out, but when we took a look a moment later, there was no reason for it to have moved, and it had looked stable a moment earlier as well. The was the glass broke also looked odd, all the glass had moved in my direction. the shelf and the floor where more slopped and pointed towards Amanda, not me. later when we had left the store, Amanda told me that when the logging saw fell she felt like if she moved or looked anywhere else something else would happen. i Told her that, i had felt that if i stayed put something else was going to fall as well. Between the timing of the saw falling (which if she had been one moment slower or i had been quicker,it would have hit one of us, there had only been about 2 feet between us) and the glass we figure something was up.
so before we go back there, I want to know what other people think.