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A New JFK Conspiracy Theory

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Gene Steinberg

Forum Super Hero
Staff member
One of the long-standing claims from assassination investigators over the years has it that accused lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, and the man who killed him, Jack Ruby, knew each other before the tragic event.

Perhaps adding fuel to the fire is the revelation of a newly discovered set of documents, as described in a press briefing by the Dallas DA on Monday.

Check here for more information:


A more recent report comes in this dispatch posted at CNN:


So what can I say? Is the alleged conversation all a fake as claimed? Or is that just a new (but expected) spin on some extremely uncomfortable information?
What's "new" about it?

From the article: "Ruby was convicted of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, but the verdict was overturned. He died before a second trial occurred."

Does anyone know why the first verdict was overturned? I'm sure the answer is out there somewhere, I'm wrapped up in a project and I can't research it myself.
At this point I've set a JFK filter in my mind.

I've looked long and hard enough to be convinced that there was a Coup d'Etat, people in the federal government, at LEAST facilillitated the assasination, and DEFINATLY took steps to obscure and coverup for the perpetrators afterward.

I don't mean to be snide...just frustrated that we will never have clarity (due to purposful obfuscation) and trying to move on to a place where I can use the informaiton the JFK assasination tells us.

I think the amoral cabal behind the JFK assasination has left finger prints on the US for the past 45 years...from Vietnam, to Nixon, Iran-Contra, etc.

All they needed to do (early on) to foil investigators was to keep releasing true and flase information to muddy the waters.

Now the whole JFK thing has a life of it's own, it's a psychic entity haunting us. James Shelby Downward's synchronistic ramblings are now as relevent as the most detailed "Assasination" research.


~Foo Fighter~