Recent content by shaDoW_FOX

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  1. shaDoW_FOX


    Hey there David & Gene I was wandering and have put a small amount of second hand research into the theory of the aproaching small star or gas planet etc... called Nibiru. As you quite correctly said before the end of the Mian calender doesnt mean the end of the world just because it ends...
  2. shaDoW_FOX

    2012...are the aliens warning us?

    Dear mr Stienberg and mr Biedny. As this is freewheeling chat I have a question, however this is only in part a question about the paranormal but it is my opinion that you and the people that take part in this forum are the only people equiped to answer such (what many people might think is...
  3. shaDoW_FOX

    Hello all. I'm 16 and extreamly interested!

    Thank you Mr steinberg and everyone who replyed i'll make sure i check out those titles suggested. P.S. Can't get enough of the podcast.
  4. shaDoW_FOX

    Hello all. I'm 16 and extreamly interested!

    Hello as i said i am very interested in the ufo Phenomenon . I have never seen one but look for hours at a time. Also i have studied many videos and are wandering if someone could help me on how to see one. Thanks everyone. :>