Recent content by philip12

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  1. P

    Psychic parrot?

    Birds have small brains...thus the saying bird brain, they are animals going by there basic instincts, and it is our imaginations and creative editing that can make them into genius's. reading minds, is more the animal sensing something, just as dogs can sense when we are angry, possibly by...
  2. P

    Richard Jeni death/suicide

    Yes suicide is a tradgedy, it is selfish, but prob not intentionally so. here in NZ it isn't even allowed to be reported because when people hear about it it is copied.
  3. P

    Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)

    Yes cute, but no doubt one of them...needs to be put down. Yes USO's are even harder to detect, they must use our salt water for something, perhaps they drink salt water, but there craft must surely be powered by some typr of endless fusion, so do not need to refuel often.
  4. P

    Bush, Cheney and UFOs - The People Want Answers

    Yes i agree with you totally on that one.
  5. P

    *** Ghostly London Bus ***

    Not at all more likely extra dimenisonal travel, where time zones have got mixed up some how, would be a more likely explanation.
  6. P

    The Ultimate UFO Poll: Real, Fake, Spaceships or What?

    Optical illusions, blatent fraud, and atmospheric eletrical/static instances, with the odd military aircraft thrown in.
  7. P

    Black Triangles. . .Really a Prototype?

    Sound definately like new military aircraft to freak the comunists out, the cold war is not over until the over 10,000 nuclear missiles arn't pointed at us. the government releasing them to people on lonely desert roads is much more convincing, lucky you for been by the desert, maybe a few sleep...
  8. P

    mexican flying humanoid vid

    Yes that video proves ufo's are out there...when are we going to be invaded.
  9. P

    UFO's Seen in Hawaii

    Good to hear someone rational here, yes saint elmos fire sounds similiar
  10. P

    Enfield poltergeist lives again (includes photos)

    Yes because it was on tv it must be true...
  11. P

    Weird occurance

    It is a well known fact that evil spirits move around most at 3 am in the morning, and yes they even seem to take into account daylight savings.
  12. P

    Haunted Road?? You Decide?.

    was probrably a drunk driver, they can move pretty quick after they crash, and didn't want to get caught.
  13. P

    Chupacabra vs the Jersey Devil

    Interesting link. Yes there must be other animals out there undiscovered.
  14. P

    Air Force colonel reports lights 'not of this world'

    Could be any typr of optical illusion, or trick of the mind. TV shows make rubbish that people watch, and make things up also to boost ratings.
  15. P

    End Times, UFO's, World Powers & Deals With The Devil!

    Yes some churches do not study the end times at all, or even seem to know that the Lord is returning soon, as for the UFO's nonesense.