Recent content by King Cheetah

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  1. King Cheetah

    May 17, 2015 — Ronald Regehr

    It's actually a pretty funny comic; recommended!
  2. King Cheetah

    May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

    Eh, okay I might as well weigh in on this... 01) What A Fool Believes - As this all began to implode post Mexico City event, I went back through my stash and relistened to all the various podcasts I had on hand related to the slides, starting with Randle blithering about the Roswell Dream Team...
  3. King Cheetah

    May 10, 2015 — Red Pill Junkie with Richard Dolan

    >>No Hoagland Richard, you're slipping. I remember a day when Hoagie, Robert Ghostwolf, and Dames would have inserted themselves into this...
  4. King Cheetah

    Grant Cameron

    I was iffy about Cameron at first, but had to punch out at his PASSIONATE defense of Greer. Seriously, he has ZERO credibility if that is a window into his thought processes.
  5. King Cheetah

    Werner Boch

    Onca again I must congratulate Gene & Chris for their patience and professionalism while dealing with this guy; he WAS a hundful! Great job guys
  6. King Cheetah

    Mike Bara :P

    Credit where credit is due, you & Chris very very polite in letting him prattle on, but poked him several times where it merited. Good job all around.
  7. King Cheetah

    Mike Bara :P

    Laugh all you like, but he was walking on air when Hoagland asked him to the prom! I just MIGHT have taken his research a little more seriously were it not for his CEASELESS boosting of Hoagland, quite possibly the LEAST credible in the field today.
  8. King Cheetah

    September 9, 2012 — Harry Drew and Ruben Uriarte Show

    I'm afraid I have to agree. I can't envision a single instance in my life where I might site a Steven Greer book as confirmation of anything. I'd almost call this episode embarrassing.
  9. King Cheetah

    R U Sh*tting Me ??

    Try reading the article aloud in Jim Marrs' nvoice; it's fun!
  10. King Cheetah

    U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan

    NOW all of the sudden the rest of the world will want to help out there. ^____^
  11. King Cheetah

    DMR-Week 22 We do Lethal ET's

    YES!!! Well done Don! ^____^
  12. King Cheetah

    Bigelow & Lethal ET's

    Okay Don, how soon can we expect a DMR show on this and the Skinwalker Ranch in general?
  13. King Cheetah

    Kay'-Up to this Point

    I have no brickbats to throw at DMR, only praise. You've had a great selection of guests, lively conversations and good topics (whether I agree with them or not). My only suggestion would be to have a few more panel or multiple guests shows. Much like the PARACAST, I enjoy the roundtable nature...
  14. King Cheetah

    Voyager Recovered By Alien Life? Possibly.

    Is that a link to "Star Trek The Motion Picture"?
  15. King Cheetah

    WANTED: Cases involving this strange shaped UFO

    Interesting. I've always had a fascination for UFO reports of objects that don't fall into the usual categories...