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  1. J

    UFO over Jerusalem--- Don check this out

    Jari, A few obsevations. It is obvious that the the 4th video is available to download as an mp4 (both the short and long version) with a resolution of 480P. In your analysis however, rather than using the video, you chose to use a screen shot to demonstrate camera jiggle. I am curious why...
  2. J

    The Ballads of Emma and James

    One of too many set here lately for my taste. I'm really not comfortable being a part of a discussion board that ultimately benefits someone who, in this very thread, has gone from "curious" based on very circumstantial evidence to being accusatory towards someone who he won't allow defend...
  3. J

    Hopkins Ex-wife Dumps

    I think that's a good idea. Can we start by properly addressing the author of the article being discussed with the respect she deserves rather than referring to her objectively as "Hopkins Ex-Wife" or the "bitter wife" who "dumps" etc etc. It strikes me as rather misogynistic and it echoes much...
  4. J

    Hopkins Ex-wife Dumps

    Shitty thread title...great article. Thanks both to Carol for her sharing her insights as one who was there and Emma for her tenacity and persistence in the pursuit of a higher integrity when it comes to abduction research. Yes, the fallout will be with us for awhile and will be quite...
  5. J

    Extraterrestrials are Definitely Real

    Really? I'm not sure which I find more disturbing, Enki-Dan or this thread running to seven pages...
  6. J


    Kelly, Have you consider publishing it digitally and making it available through the web? If not, you might check out Lulu... eBooks - You might have to digitize it yourself but it seems doable - type it up in a word processor, convert to .pdf and might even add...
  7. J

    Skeptics...a philosophical discussion

    An interesting perspective on this was given by David Grinspoon in his book 'Lonely Planets - The Natural Philosophy of Alien Life'. Excerpted by Astrobiology Magazine back in 2003 - "There's a Hole in My Philosophy": Science says, "Without objectively verifiable evidence, assume that it...
  8. J

    UFO Downloads

    You'll find nothing much there but B.S. - let's see, Val Valerian (AFOSI, Chemtrail conspiracy creator), Lear (hoaxer), Branton (homophobe/rascist, ), Hamilton, Schneider - almost reads as a listing of who's who when it comes to UFO Disinformation. My advice - look at most of this as...
  9. J

    Contactee Psychology

    It is entirely possible that the contactee/abductee phenomena are but two side of the same coin, albeit with entirely different psychologies inherent in each side. Is it possible to truly know one without the other from a scientific perspective? Throw in human subjectivity and you may have a...
  10. J

    Global Warming or Global Hot Air!

    If it wasn't for the excessive use of two emoticons, especially the one with the tongue sticking out at me, to drive home your comment regarding my "maturity", I probably would have dismissed it outright. But now I find myself forced to reflect on my inner child and sincerely reconsider my use...
  11. J

    Global Warming or Global Hot Air!

    Maybe I can give you my take? Didn't I give you about 35 pages of "my take" in the thread found at this link: You, Schuyler, Bob the Knob and many others got "my take". And since that thread...
  12. J

    Global Warming or Global Hot Air!

    And now we know what you do with it. Watts up with that? :p
  13. J

    Global Warming or Global Hot Air!

    Did someone here ring the bell? Now where -did- that Schuyler get off to?