Recent content by jackofalltrades

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  1. J

    Aaron Kaplan show

    Actually he was about as rambling as Andy Colvin just with a south american accent.But I am curious about the "Warships of space " thing.
  2. J

    Aaron Kaplan show

    People who come on shows to promote their book should tell folks it's self published.
  3. J

    Thoughts on the Trickster

    Ufology & The Trickster A truly excellent post Chris. I must say that I also am in the Vallee camp as well. I have often wondered about the monsters of the ID. The downfall of the Krell. What if the Id was someone else's and we just happened to be the hive of honey bees it likes to farm.
  4. J

    show on bud hopkins

    I love the Paracast but I couldn't stand the condescending timber of the guest's voice. I listened for about 10 minutes and then went elsewhere.He really didn't have much info to share beyond being a cheerleader for mr. Hopkins.He said he was a general go-for.
  5. J

    Andrew B. Colvin show

    I agree. Too many "Mothman" connections to be serious.
  6. J

    NASA Unveils New Detailed Photos

    Thanks for posting this is great!