Recent content by itsthenoise

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  1. itsthenoise

    Dark Matters On Hiatus?

    Also glad to hear that it's only tech issues keeping you off the air. Missing you and Rich on a Friday but we've plenty to listen to and enjoy in the meantime. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Don, Vicki, Rich and the gang!!
  2. itsthenoise

    Jacque Vallee talk on Synchronicity...

    I know some of the DMR crew are Vallee fans and I wondered if you could help please? There is a Vallee talk that's a few years old that he gave at a Middle East conference about co-incidences that involved a story about a Taxi ride, I have watched it but I can no longer find it on YouTube. Can...
  3. itsthenoise

    UFO's Tull Night.

    Thank you Don and Mike, I do have a couple of Tull late 80s early 90s albums but don't know much about their early stuff... I will investigate. Thank you.
  4. itsthenoise

    No show last nite ..

    Very sorry to hear of Rich's dogs passing, horrible news. Here's sending the best of vibes across the Atlantic in the hope of some better health and happiness to the DMR Friday night crew.
  5. itsthenoise

    UFO's Tull Night.

    Can Don [ or anyone ] tell me what the name of the track is that's regularly played on your archived 'UFO's tonight' show please? I'm pretty sure the voice is Ian Anderson and I think it's by Jethro Tull, the lyric is: " legends were born".
  6. itsthenoise

    Pattern and The Bell...

    Friday Week 22... I think it was Rich started talking about Gen. Pattern being involved in salvaging The Bell from Germany in WWII but the conversation went off in another direction before the story could be finished. Don can you ask Rich about this again please, love to hear the rest of the...
  7. itsthenoise

    A possible extra hour for DMR.

    I'm in the UK so always a bit behind the curve on DMR shows, tonight I heard the 20th week friday show [ thank you Jay ] announcement about a possible extra hour. I'm a massive fan of DMR so I'd obviously love to hear an extra hour but crucially your audience enjoy listening to you two...
  8. itsthenoise

    Oregon Bob case, what do the DMR crew think?

    Definitely worth checking the story out as long as Frank Warren, Angelia and her husband can be trusted [ I think they can be ] it's either something incredible or a very big production hoax. From what I recall Oregon Bob himself goes a bit strange on the last episode but let's face it he...
  9. itsthenoise

    Oregon Bob case, what do the DMR crew think?

    I'd be very interested in finding out what Don, Rich, Ward, Ryan, Stephen, etc think of this case. I've always found it interesting because [ in my limited experience ] Frank Warren and Angelia Joiner seemed to be pretty honest and grounded in their views. If you're unfamiliar with the story...
  10. itsthenoise

    The Challenger

    I know Don and DMR listeners are interested in NASA stuff so you should try and check this BBC film out if you can. William Hurt stars as Richard Feynman in this film about The Challenger Shuttle enquiry and how various corporations tried to fudge the investigation; a really well done quality...
  11. itsthenoise

    The 'Excited and Amorous' French record from the 60's...

    I'm a bit behind the curve but Week 45 on the Friday, Don and Rich posed a question; what was that breathy French record from the late 60's early 70's... Is that record Je t'aime by Serge Gainsbourg? [ If not I'd like to know myself. ]
  12. itsthenoise

    About Jim Moseley!

    You couldn't help but like Jim; even if the closest you've ever got to him was listening to his voice on the radio. RIP Jim.
  13. itsthenoise

    The Paracast Plus Poll

    After listening to every episode from the start of the show, I've recently got to the point where I can't listen any more. The reason is the Ads have finally got to the point where they're so annoying and there're so many of them that it's painful to listen to the show. I'd happily pay for an...
  14. itsthenoise

    Friday nights...

    ... It's late-ish here in the UK and I'm halfway through the 'Rich, Don and Tracy T' episode and it just struck me that sometimes you have to let people know that they're appreciated. So I just wanted to say as maybe you guys don't realise how much you're appreciated [ I'm sure ] all around...
  15. itsthenoise

    DMR Webpage & Dr. John Alexander

    So great to have DMR back...