Recent content by grannysmith

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  1. grannysmith

    February 14, 2016 — Whitley Strieber

    Haven't checked out anything on the paranormal for a few years. It's sadenning to hear of Anne Streiber's death.
  2. grannysmith

    Aaron Kaplan show

    latest show Yeah but if a person were to then sit there as a presenter and big up his research as worthwhile (and as possessing value on those merits) then the ability of that person to 'evaluate merits' look a bit skewed. I'm just gently mocking. Anyway, when I first started listening to the...
  3. grannysmith

    Aaron Kaplan show

    latest show I enjoy the shows like this. One thing puzzles me though : Christopher was keen to point out that people like Sitchin do not have their work accepted by the academic community. I was just wondering what the state of play in 'the academic community' is with the work of people like...
  4. grannysmith

    Show suggestion: Moon anamoly roundtable?

    Yeah he's great :D
  5. grannysmith

    I REALLY wanted to listen to this, but...

    I've been tempted to post asking whether we were all just too embarrassed to talk about this show given the lack of a thread. Let's just forget about this one eh lads? :)
  6. grannysmith

    Stanton Friedman does Reddit AMA

    Doesn't go well ... I am Stanton Friedman, Nuclear Physicist, and world renowned expert on UFO phenomena. AMA : IAmA :eek:
  7. grannysmith

    Chris commenting "Get a life" disappointing.

    Another show has discussed this saying that it is not totally cut and dried. Maybe like Ernest, in Wilde's play, he is Worthing in the town and Bunbury in the countryside?:confused:
  8. grannysmith

    Chris commenting "Get a life" disappointing.

    Ooh, that 'Mr' hurts. :D
  9. grannysmith

    Enough with the crystal skulls already/ June 27

    Enough with the crystal skulls already I liked the bit where the guest implied that any hand-made skull must have been made before we could make them with machines. I liked it 'for teh lulz'.
  10. grannysmith

    Crystal Skulls - May 3oth 2011

    I liked the bit where the guest was showing himself to be a total nutcase. Therefore, I liked all of it :D.
  11. grannysmith

    Gene & Chris Talk Shop

    I thought it was a bit dull :(
  12. grannysmith

    Grant Cameron show

    Wow that thread at The Reality Uncovered Forums - V2.0 View topic - Saving the world? is truly horrible : lashings of egomaniacal butthurt all round
  13. grannysmith

    Announcing The Paracast+ (or Something Like That!)

    tbf the 'special forum' will have to be thought through imo. It may lead to dilution to the detriment of both. I've seen it elsewhere.