Recent content by Ecofox

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  1. Ecofox

    CyberstationUSA is MIA

    I was wondering the same thing
  2. Ecofox

    10th Anniversary of 9/11

    The 10th Anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. Something about 9/11 has always bothered me. Why did the Heroes of "flight 93," fight and stand their ground, while the other passengers of the other doomed flights did nothing? I can only hope...there was some type of airborne agent that was...
  3. Ecofox

    New to the Forum

    Cannot go wrong with the late Mac Tonnies, "The Cryptoterrestrials."
  4. Ecofox

    Happy Birthday Don!

    Happy Birthday Don, have a great one.
  5. Ecofox

    Why I love America, "Heartbreak Ridge."

    "My name's Gunnery Sergeant Highway and I've drunk more beer and banged more quiff and pissed more blood and stomped more ass that all of you numb nuts put together."
  6. Ecofox

    Osama bin laden dead?

    Just wanted to thank all my Brothers and Sisters that are in the Active U.S. Military right now. Job well done!
  7. Ecofox

    Obama Birth Certificate

    If Adam had half a brain, he would have gave up two ribs and had a Ménage à trios.
  8. Ecofox

    Obama Birth Certificate

    The Donkeys and the Elephants are always wrapped up in a political circle-jerk, with no end in sight. The power of the Presidency ended with JFK.
  9. Ecofox

    Flash! A Kal K Korff EXPOSE!!!!

    Looking forward to the show tonight Don.
  10. Ecofox

    Conspiracy skeptic Aug 30

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