Recent content by donthizz

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  1. donthizz

    Walter Starcke: What am I missing?

    LOL, nah i love the show, you might whacky(in a smart way) thats why we love you...;)
  2. donthizz

    May 3rd - Peter Robbins

    best show EVER!, Bring him back guys..
  3. donthizz

    April 12th Show

    im going to create my own crop circles from now on, LOL..
  4. donthizz

    April 12th Show

    first i thought that they were some new age hippies or something, but after David asked about their religious background they seemed like reasonable people, "IM CONFUSED"
  5. donthizz

    I didn't see one so... March 1st 2009 show - S. Bassett.

    before the show i had real concerns about SB, but after the show i can see where he's coming from, good show..
  6. donthizz

    iTunes podcast reviews

    People hate " Bill O'Reilly" too, but they watch his show anyways, so its pretty good after all. :)
  7. donthizz

    Oct 19 - Siani: Break-out paranormal star of 2008

    Bring an abductee on the show...
  8. donthizz

    David's Podcast

    is it available on i tunes.
  9. donthizz

    Paola Harris

    Damn it, guess ill download the next week's episode then.
  10. donthizz

    The Paracast needs some cleansing: Vote for INTELLIGENCE here!!

    Why can't they bring a credible UFO abductee on the show(not a guy who has written a book about it or planning on writing one).
  11. donthizz

    Help The Paracast Live Long and Prosper!

    off the topic, i listen to night owl now and then, heard that gene is doing a political show as well, whats the name of it?? keep up the good work..
  12. donthizz

    UFO book by David Biedny?

    forget about a book,i think David and Gene should go on larry king..
  13. donthizz

    when silences go arkward (Palin)

    I used to like a as a MILF i mean, but when i heard her views it really scared me..jeez, whats with her and witchcraft>>>>>
  14. donthizz

    Digitized music from Dean Fagerstrom

    sounds good, thats about it..