Recent content by Dantheufoman777

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  1. D

    "Proof of God"

    ok yeah lets clear this up..most of the books in the bible have been proved wrong and also its more likely the universe was created by chance i mean really who honestly believes that the universe is 5000 years old...ITS NOT its actually 4.6 billion years old ..also if adam and eve were the first...
  2. D

    Moon anomalies: These three are compelling

    also that comment before wasnt a comment on mining on the moon im just sick of people talkin bout never landing on the moon lol..interesting photos tho
  3. D

    Moon anomalies: These three are compelling

    ok lets clear this up ok THEY LANDED ON THE MOON if nasa was hiding something they wouldnt of let so many people test out there stupid moon theories also im studying astronomy ok dnt believe all conspiracy theories ..we have to have respect for the people who have landed on the moon it is a...
  4. D

    Sesuit Harbor Monster Resurfaces (good pics)

    thats pretty cool..looks half dolphin half hippo lol
  5. D

    Evaluating Youth Interest in UFOs

    ever since i heard bout the roswell inncident i have been interested and i found out bout that when i was 13 now im 17 so i have been studying ufo's for 4 years now.
  6. D

    Your Most Annoying Conspiracy Theories?

    The moon landing hoax and that reptillian one where bush and the royals are all shapeshifting reptiles. Im also starting to think the roswell crash wasnt an alien craft and that it was project mogul..but who knows:rolleyes: