Recent content by courtlizzard

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  1. C

    first hour 9/23......funniest show ever.....great job!

    steven greer......quack.....quack......if it looks like a duck no doubt x conference 08 will feature greer claiming falwells alive on zeta reticulon.....he has the photos video to prove it!....quack....quack good job bashing greer he deserves it the courtster
  2. C

    I want to hear more from Stephen Bassett

    in his last round of interviews on the paranormal ufo radio circuit ive noticed basset is speaking in an angered tone......sounds like he may go postal my book hes gone from top shelf ufo guest to quack over the past year or so but.....i do still enjoy listening to his...
  3. C

    Dennis Balthaser has a problem with t-shirts at Roswell Museum....thats funny stuff

    sounds like he's jealous to me and has lost any credibility with me......look....ya go the hayden of natural history.....even oxnard...whether you go to for education.....entertainment or want t-shirts....adults want souveniers.....if Dennis Balthaser has...
  4. C


    last couple of weeks i notice you skipped your opening intro and brief chit chat....while the show is fine without it....i preferred your pre guest comments....your opinions and personalities are a big part of the show and i enjoy them....
  5. C

    Walter G. Haut Affidavit Surfaces, The Smoking Gun? 'Witness To Roswell'

    yeah hawk...i agree a crash is possible for any technology but we have 5000 domestic flights daily in the us with an average of 1 crash a year......surely you dont think 5000 alien craft are flying over the earth daily,,,,,the math just doesnt work for me as far as the multitude of crashes...
  6. C

    Walter G. Haut Affidavit Surfaces, The Smoking Gun? 'Witness To Roswell'

    thanks for posting the affidavit unfortunately it just seems to be another well timed release to help feed the roswell cottage industry ,,,it will sell some books but is far from the hard evidence i want to see.....if this affidavit convinces you you may as well join the neocons who insist the...