Recent content by Consolamentum

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  1. C

    Paracast is the best show of its kind out there.

    I think the biggest reason why many people find David annoying is the fact that the paranormal field is permeated by a concensus culture. It is generally considered a breach of etiquette to take someone to task, no matter how spurious their claims may be. If the person who offers the criticism...
  2. C

    Butch Witkowski/ Human Mutilations.

    Listening to the show at the moment; the interview is just about to start. I'd just like to comment that I am guilty of using David Biedny as a verb on one particular occasion. I haven't used it in a derogatory fashion however - I like the fact that David doesn't pull any punches and there are...
  3. C

    Nov 30th show:Don't slit your wrists David!

    I completely agree. Gene and David don't suffer fools gladly and they don't hesitate to call BS when necessary. That's one of the main reasons why I like this podcast and I think the paranormal field needs much more of that attitude.
  4. C

    Nov 30th show:Don't slit your wrists David!

    I think she was just being astrological (Aries).
  5. C

    Nov 30th show:Don't slit your wrists David!

    Talk about an overreaction on Holzer's part! There was absolutely nothing disrespectful about the interview and David was right to question her reluctance about the setting of adequate scientific standards in paranormal research. It just goes to show how secteristic and close minded many people...