Recent content by campbell71

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  1. campbell71

    UFO's and the National Security State

    Hullo everyone... anybody got an idea when the 3rd volume will be out? I've just gotten round to finishing the second volume. Excellent piece of work.
  2. campbell71

    Doomsday Conspiracies, Prepping and...I'm scared

    ps - Nameless - Ray Mears may be pretty cool - and the man certainly is, but he's no Bush Tucker Man (for those of you old enough to remember him)...
  3. campbell71

    Doomsday Conspiracies, Prepping and...I'm scared

    I have a simple question regarding all these "doomsday preppers/ survivalist" types. Lets say you stock up on the food, water, shooting irons, batteries and radios etc etc but everyone seems to have overlooked the question....... Why? As in civilisation (as we know it) has disintegrated, why...
  4. campbell71

    Are YOU Ready for "World War Z?"

    Like Konrad I'm a big fan of the book but to be honest it looks like they have made a right pigs ear of it. It looks like a horrible CGI mess - the whole point of WWZ is that the zombies move SLOWLY -old "skool" style... The battle of Yonkers ( a pivotal scene in the book) looks like its going...
  5. campbell71

    If you had a truth machine

    I'd ask... "Do androids dream of electric sheep?".....
  6. campbell71

    The Invaders....

    I'm sure I've asked this before but not sure if I got an answer... "The Invaders - A Quinn Martin Production etc etc... how did it end? It was shown on channel 4 in the UK years ago and I followed it closely but then in true British TV tradition the powers that be started messing about with...
  7. campbell71

    A very random thought

    Heres an uneasy random thought...... are you SURE you switched that light off and locked the front door?
  8. campbell71

    Persons Of Interest

    New programme on Channel 5 here in the UK... anyone catch it? Wonder what your thoughts were.......
  9. campbell71

    Topless Women and UFOs!!

    UFO Religion Seeks Topless Women for Missouri Rally - St. Louis - News - Daily RFT ..... and people say this is field is full of lunatics....
  10. campbell71

    Remind me not to sign up for this

    I have a list as long as your for for folk I'd like to volunteer for this mission .....
  11. campbell71

    who has a good head for high places?

    How miffed would he be if he had gotten to the top then realised he'd forgotten part of his tool kit! As for vertigo and having a bad head for heights I do a bit of climbing (nothing too grand, I live in Yorkshire so it's more bouldering than anything else) but I was in Yosemite park a few years...
  12. campbell71

    2001 a space oddesy

    You have to admit that HAL 9000 was the best robot/ computer in any sci fi movie (closely followed by Ash but that's just my opinion). I first saw 2001 when I was about 10, had no idea what it was about but the one thing I remember was HAL's voice. There was no reasoning with him/it...
  13. campbell71

    A supersonic event

    Didn't the USAF do something similar back in the late 50's/ early 60's ... ? I'm sure it was on the discovery channel couple of years ago....
  14. campbell71


    In reply to Snidely HAL is by far the creepiest. But the Fassbender/ Holm debate..... David clearly knew what he was but I always got the feeling that Ash was not aware of what he was until Parker took his head off - one of the best plot twists ever - and the crew had to rewire him.... he also...
  15. campbell71


    I took my wife to see it and we both really enjoyed it....... but I still have some nagging doubts about it. It's a great sci fi film, but not a great Ridley Scott film... I agree with Sean re Guy Pearce... why not just cast an old man..... Fassbender was fantastically creepy and you got the...