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  1. Beltemps

    Imbrogno Sightings?

    quote="Angel of Ioren, post: 137658, member: 1395"]He was on Oprah? In an Interview he did with Binall he claimed to have been on the show before Oprah got famous. "We also find out about Phil's appearance on Oprah back when she was first starting out and before she became famous. This leads...
  2. Beltemps

    Imbrogno Sightings?

    I am not sure if this is him or just a coincidence but I stumbled across this today: Phillip J. Imbrogno | The Kane Republican According to the article a Phillip J Imbrogno, born 1951, passed away in May. Can anyone verify it's him? Since every bio related information seems to be deleted after...
  3. Beltemps

    Philip J. Imbrogno withdrawing from paranormal research!

    Heard the last show yesterday night and from the tone in don's voice you can tell how personally affected he is. As I wrote in my last post weeks earlier I can relate to that. No matter if you agree on Phil's views he was (actually probably still is) a likeable guy. But I guess a lot of...
  4. Beltemps

    Philip J. Imbrogno withdrawing from paranormal research!

    first of all I think it's good that the truth came out after all. I applaude Lance for dealing with it with all the respect a situation like this deserves...what I don't like is that the paracast forum is turning into a phil imbrogno bashing forum. If you liked the guy before and respected him...
  5. Beltemps

    Comet Elenin or a rolemodel for an internet conspiracy

    It's hard these days to ignore elenin... according to various internet "sources" earth's time is up in october this year. that's the date when a "mysterious" comet called elenin is going to have a near earth flyby as a best case scenario. the worst case scenario is a crash between this 2 km...
  6. Beltemps

    Deep Ocean Exploration

    yeah, and it always struck me as odd that since picard's descent nobody has tried it again...
  7. Beltemps

    Unexplained Creature Captured On Camera

    Hm... could you take another photo of the spot, Frank? just to the silence the nasty little sceptic in us...? :) reminds me of the Cottingley Fairies... Bijan
  8. Beltemps

    Unexplained Creature Captured On Camera

    Although this picture really does look strange I agree with angelo... check the area (could be a root) if not possible, do you have any other pictures of the same area? bijan
  9. Beltemps

    Imbrogno & Guiley Show

    Aaaah... what a change! I liked the show a lot... Phil and Rosemary are professional researchers and very polite guests with the right attitude towards the paranormal... I especially liked chris' questions this time... that's the spirit, guys...
  10. Beltemps

    Please - less adverts!

    Hm... I don't get it... it's a podcast! the ads are just a minor nuisance since you can fastforward... one of the blessings of the digital age.... :)
  11. Beltemps

    March 27th show 2011

    First of all I really love the show! but the latest string of guests put this love to the test... After Dr. John Carterburg now Dr. Richard "Deep Throat" Sauder who steps up to reveal the shocking truth about some hidden agenda... Now Gene, Chris, I'm not complaining about the way you...
  12. Beltemps


    Exactly, Gene... as you say it yourself it's a forum for fantastic, crazy and not so crazy and sometimes even highly scientific ideas that you probably won't hear anywhere else... But first and foremost your show is entertainment... At least that's the reason why I am here every week... :)
  13. Beltemps


    Hm, the show is called Paracast and not Dr. Steinberg's Science Show... It's in the nature of the game that paranormal shows have primarily a speculative and not so much a dry scientific background... Same applies to the guests no matter if they are a plumber or a plasma physicist in real...
  14. Beltemps


    I actually like the way Chris is handling guests as Gene's sidekick... Most of the time his "interrogation" technique is very effective... He's treating all guests alike, very amicably and politely until they let down their guard... ;) Well all right, Chris has a verrrrry soft spot for Dr...
  15. Beltemps


    Touché lance... first of all I really enjoyed the show and I really think Dr. Brandenburg is a very nice guy... so nice in fact that I would vote for him as a mascot for paracast... ;) Besides that I had problems separating fact from fiction... the show started very good as far as...